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Jing Xian
yanfang jie

June 29, 2005

1101101 10001.11 10101011110.1 111111110000.000101 101010111.11110111 101111111 ~

That actually means, 'My classes lectures (according to Law and Gary, its wrong to say that my class is boring. LOL) are so damn fucking boring, it has bore me to tears. And Kai Ern was sleeping.' Binary codes tells lots huh? 11111100.11 Now I'm saying, ' Screw binary codes.'

We spent a whole chunk of time learning about all these digital and analog systems thing. Its the end of the sick old PEEE, but it has been replaced by the dull and boring DE. We learn all about these 10110100 and were practically doing that for 1 hour.

Looking at what I wrote, or rather, what I drew, it suddenly reminded me of my Ontography drawing.

Similarity-o-meter -> 100%!

..then we fiddled with the digital trainer..

Looks more like a dildo to me.

Before that, we were doing our IDEA Project. Somehow, we're always distracted. Perhaps we're really too logical, and IDEA are maybe just a pile of rubbish, and therefore we have difficulty doing crap. I do hope we can complete it soon. Together with the AIDS talk, they have ate up my free time on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon where we could actually play soccer. FUCK~

Oh yeah, not to forget, my brother has came back from some country (SORRY, I really don't know where he went for a week. Just some kinda 3rd world country I guess, do see the world). I guessed he had fun collecting buddhist artifacts. Of course, he wouldn't forget his cute younger brother. Brought back nice gifts and snacks for us. Lets not care about the snacks. So he bought this little toad for me which I thought was a Mu Yu (literally, wooden fish).

I started knocking it but he heard me doing that and demostrated to me how I should play with it. I was supposed to slide that little hammer over its 'fins' and it would produce a sound which sounds like a toad.


I was so impressed by their creativity. Would any Singaporean be able to think of that? Yes, you know the answer, and thats why the IDEA module was implemented. And even so, up till now, i'm still learning how to spell cleaaateeffe.

He also bought these beads which were magnetic. Supposed to improve my health. Hmmm, desperately need it.

.. And there was also a rattan ball to add to my existing collection of balls (yep, mine)..

Something to ponder about before you click on my buddies' links or press that X button on top. You see, when I was young, I was meant to understand what I read. When I got older, what I read created difficulties for me to understand what I read. Now, if I understand what I read, something must have been understood. I really don't understand. Can you?

Posted by will at 12:04 AM

June 25, 2005

Pretty girls out there. Are you attached? Just in case you need it, I introduce the... *drumroll*

7 tactics for Calling it Quits

Need more explaination meh? Just start ending it la.

The "We Need to Talk" Talk

A State of the Union address is recommended for anyone wishing to secede, so to speak, with some semblance of dignity.

Pros: Talking things over can soothe hurt feelings and potentially salvage the friendship.
Cons: Brace yourself for histrionics, notes Lynda Twardowski, 31, from Traverse City, MI. "When I finally managed to peel the guy off me, tears streamed down his face and he babbled like a madman."
Ouch factor: Three Band-Aids

The "Dear John"

Who needs a messy confrontation when a note, email or well-timed voice mail can spare you from having to witness the devastation?

Pros: Composing your thoughts lets you control the situation. "I'm a big fan of the 'Dear John' letter," says Megan Lane Patrick, age 30, of Cincinnati. "That way, I can make all my points without crying or forgetting what I want to say."
Cons: Sure, it's the coward's route. But, considering you'll likely be vilified regardless, what's one more strike against you?
Ouch factor: Two Band-Aids

The Downsize

Going on hiatus gives you the green light to see other people while letting you ease out of the relationship under the guise of "needing space."

Pros: A time-out isn't as catastrophic as a full-fledged breakup, since it offers a sliver of hope that the relationship might eventually resume. Plus, it leaves the door open for booty calls.
Cons: Having to envision each other with someone else is emotionally taxing for lovers in limbo. "Every time I went on a new date, I kept wondering if she was out with someone new, too," says Mike Fowler, 33, of Los Angeles. "It drove me nuts."
Ouch factor: Two Band-Aids

The Fizzle

Whether you conveniently "forget" an anniversary or wait days to return an email, your general apathy will soon make it obvious that your boots are made for walkin'.

Pros: If you're on the same page, the mutual fade-out can be painless, says Lynn Reynolds, 32, of Covington, KY: "We told each other, 'Give me a call,' but we knew we'd had enough of each other. Neither of us called and there were no hurt feelings."
Cons: Some people just don't get subtle brush-offs. If your ex is the determined sort, you'll need to invest in caller ID.
Ouch factor: One Band-Aid

Dumping by Proxy

Not keen on the business of crushing souls? In the immortal words of Dionne Warwick, that's what friends are for.

Pros: Passing the buck is easier than getting your own hands dirty. Heck, maybe your friend and your ex will hit it off!
Cons: You're only adding insult to injury by having a random third party be witness to your ex's humiliation, as Jessica Callahan, 32, from Bristol, CT, attests. "I was shocked and embarrassed," she notes, after her boyfriend's buddy told her she was history. "But I wasn't angry. That would come later when I realized it was the only explanation I would get."
Ouch factor: Four Band-Aids

The Blame Game

Breaking up is easier when you can provoke the other person to initiate it for you.

Pros: Abdicating all responsibility puts you in the clear, says Michele Pezzuti, 31, of Staten Island, NY: "I waited till my boyfriend did something minor, then made a big stink about it so he could be to blame, thus making the breakup his fault."
Cons: Heaping guilt on someone else just to avoid your own verges on "evil genius" territory. Yet if your partner has the patience of a saint, getting him or her to dump you can be near i impossible.
Ouch factor: Three Band-Aids

The Alien Abduction

Of course, if all else fails, consider the good old-fashioned vanishing act.

Pros: Hiding lets you avoid confrontation, notes Angela Gleeson, 25, of Newburgh, NY, who remembers her own "one that got away" in the very literal sense. "He was supposed to get to my place at 8, and he just never showed. I called him several times, but he never called back. I've never heard from him since."
Cons: You'll invariably leave your ex wondering if you got in an accident or were kidnapped, prompting him or her to show up at your place in a frenzy or call the cops to report a missing person. Plus, you'll feel like a total heel if you ever accidentally cross paths with that person again.
Ouch factor: Five Band-Aids(!)

So guys, start dumping your girl if she's really very pretty. =)

Extracted from

Posted by will at 12:07 PM

June 21, 2005

Posted by will at 1:03 AM

June 18, 2005

A tad too long without updates. Just too lazy to do it. But since I feel nice today, I shall do it.

Singapore VS Malaysia. Decided to go watch instead of nuahing at home. The last match there before the stadium is renovated. Singapore won 2-0. But what was more interesting were the amount of moths flying around. Moths are stupid creatures. They fly and drop around places like they're high on drugs. Few of them dropped onto the field and some even on the spectators' heads.

The loyal Singapore fans waiting to get to Kallang.

Yup, nice atmosphere and ermm.. attendance.

We love doing stupid things.

After watching, we went to had some supper at Old Airport Road before staying overnight at CZ's house. Miss his place, but there were some new fucking policies to be followed. I had to wash myself up and be in his clothes before sleeping. WTH~

That was almost 2 weeks ago. For now, I have just recovered from my flu. Blame those long 74 trips to SP. I have to be in a refridgerator with wheels stuck with coughing people for an hour or more. Moreover, I seem to always be waiting for someone who's late in meeting me everyday.

Well, sometimes I guess doing stupid stuff causes us to be sick too. For example, IDEA modules. And let me present to you, a technique called Ontography.

Ontography is a process which requires concentration. Lots of it.. do this...

... and this.

Too much breadboards can make you feel crumpy as well.

Try holding on to both of the wires with the power on.

And for today, I was off to CP with YF-jie to study. Lots of uncompleted tutorials waiting for me. Apparently, retarded Jian Wei was there, in the same bus as me even, but I failed to notice him. Maybe he should really grow taller. LOL. After that, we went off to Orchard to meet Wicky and an hour later, Winnie, her friend and Mei Hua. Took a neoprint before we had dinner. Damn, coping with temptations to buy while shopping is really difficult. I went off earlier while they went to Cineleisure, as I had injured my knee the day before and was having difficulty walking.


Posted by will at 11:13 PM

June 11, 2005

Damn sick. Bed-ridden.

Visiting Hours: 4p.m-9p.m
How to come: Buses-> 74, 147, 165, 112
MRT-> Take to Hougang or Ang Mo Kio station and transfer to bus 74, 147 or 165
Taxi-> Tell the uncle, "Will's house"

Posted by will at 1:06 PM